Unplug your device…and unwind your mind

In today’s fast paced society, we are all guilty of speeding through life and missing out on daily simple pleasures.  It’s this don’t stop-mentality that can lead to social isolation and loneliness that increases the risk of heart disease and premature death to a degree comparable to hypertension, obesity, high cholesterol and even smoking

Personal health tip: turn off your electronics and spend a little time every day with someone you care about.

Family health tip: spend one evening a week playing old-fashioned games as a family.

Belonging to a community, big or small, fosters feelings of purpose that can get you through the toughest of times.  Relationships take time and effort.  Choose to make time every week to spend with people you care about.  Turn off the TV and computer.  Silence your phone.  Shut off gaming devices.  Spend time together.  It’s amazing how much closer you can become when you focus on one another.  Develop relationships that you can count on when you need support.  Remember that being present in the moment is a gift to yourself and others.